Friday, January 20, 2012

An Introduction

Hi folks! I know some of you have been waiting with bated breath for me to begin this blog. I want to explain my objectives and intentions. First of all, I am not a professional writer. I don't claim to have perfect grammar nor do I excel at spelling. I do promise to use spell check and do the best I can to get my point across. I am a stay at home mom of two boys, ages 15 and 4. I watch a 2 year old boy during the day and a 9 year old girl and a 10 year old boy after school. I love what I do. I like to cook and clean and have fun with my kids. This blog will feature recipes that I use in my kitchen and tips for keeping a nice house. I will also be poking fun, sometimes in a mean way, at the lovely gander of "Mommy Bloggers" I read on a daily basis. I will not have a schedule, I will write when I have time and if you have anything fun to contribute, send it my way and I will give you full credit. I hope I do not disappoint, this blog is kind of a spur of the moment attempt at sharing my strange sense of humor and my ability to make fun of the stupid. Cheers and enjoy your stay. I suggest you bring a beer.